sâmbătă, 6 decembrie 2008


I feel my blood
How it flows through your veins ...
I hear my breath
In your hot mouth
And the beatings of my heart
In your chest ...
I see my gestures
In the mimic of your body
And how my dreams fly
Worn by your thoughts ...
Shivers my life
In your flesh
And I see me dying
In my look
From your eyes ...

sâmbătă, 29 noiembrie 2008

Tell me

Tell me,
when you feel alone
do you think about me?
Tell me,
when you feel like crying
do you miss me?
Tell me,
when you are happy,
do you love me?
Tell me,
when feel like sleeping
do you want to embrace me?
Tell me,
when you close your eyes
do you see me?
Tell me,
when you feel like dancing
do you dance with me?
Tell me,
when you feel like talking,
do you talk to me?
Tell me,
when you are lost
do you search for me?
Tell me,
when you are dreaming
do you dream of me?

duminică, 23 noiembrie 2008

gasite pe net 2

Oscar Wilde
Always forgive your enemies - Nothing annoys them so much.

George Bernard Shaw
The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it.

Brooke Shields, during an interview to become spokesperson for a federal anti-smoking campaign
Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life.

Rodney Dangerfield
I told my psychiatrist that everyone hates me. He said I was being ridiculous - everyone hasn't met me yet.

George Burns
You've got to be honest; if you can fake that, you've got it made.

Woody Allen
I'm not afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens.

Jean Kerr
Women speak because they wish to speak, whereas a man speaks only when driven to speech by something outside himself - like, for instance, he can't find any clean socks.

Marty Feldman
The pen is mightier than the sword, and considerably easier to write with.

Dave Edison
I'm desperately trying to figure out why kamikaze pilots wore helmets.

Steve Martin
There is one thing I would break up over and that is if she caught me with another woman. I wouldn't stand for that.

Jerry Seinfeld
Now they show you how detergents take out bloodstains, a pretty violent image there. I think if you've got a T-shirt with a bloodstain all over it, maybe laundry isn't your biggest problem. Maybe you should get rid of the body before you do the wash.

Winston Churchill
History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.

Marion Barry, Mayor
If it weren't for the killings, Washington would have one of the lowest crime rates in the country.

Oscar Wilde
As yet, Bernard Shaw hasn't become prominent enough to have any enemies, but none of his friends like him.

Robin Williams
If it's the Psychic Network why do they need a phone number?

David Letterman
USA Today has come out with a new survey: Apparently three out of four people make up 75 percent of the population.

Rita Mae Brown
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Americans are suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you.

Groucho Marx
If you want to see a comic strip, you should see me in the shower.

Charlie Brown
Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, 'Where have I gone wrong?' Then a voice says to me, 'This is going to take more than one night.'

Will Rogers
The trouble with political jokes is that very often they get elected.

gasite pe net

God made man and then rested. God made women and then no one rested

The longest sentence known to man: "I do."

Crime doesn't pay...Does that mean my job is a crime?

ALGEBRA: A weapon of math destruction.

I think drinking and driving is terrible. You always spill it when you change gears...

I've used up all my sick days, so I'm calling in dead.

Alan Minter

I spent 90% of my money on women and drink. The rest I wasted.

George Best

Moving from Wales to Italy is like moving to a different country.

Ian Rush

Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it.

Mark Twain

Some mornings it just doesn't seem worth it to gnaw through the leather straps.

Emo Phillips

I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me at once.

Jennifer Unlimited

The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our enemies; probably because generally they are the same people.

Gilbert Chesterton

Only presidents, editors, and people with tapeworms have the right to use the editorial "we".

Mark Twain

Life is rather like a can of sardines: we're all of us looking for the key.

Alan Bennett

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.

Mark Twain

By all means marry. If you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher.


Remember as far as anyone knows, we're a nice normal family.

Homer Simpson

There are terrible temptations which it requires strength and courage to yield to.

Oscar Wilde

Anyone who can only think of only one way to spell a word obviously lacks imagination.

Mark Twain

Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else.

Will Rogers

Anyone who is considered funny will tell you, sometimes without even your asking, that deep inside they are very serious, neurotic, introspective people.

Wendy Wasserstein

The most important service rendered by the press is that of educating people to approach printed matter with distrust.

Samuel Butler

The only way of catching a train I ever discovered is to miss the train before.

Gilbert Chesterton

Find something fast. Use Google search engine to search within our website.

sâmbătă, 22 noiembrie 2008


Imi simt sangele
Cum iti curge prin vene...
Imi aud respiratia
In gura ta fierbinte
Si bataile inimii mele
In al tau piept...
Imi vad gesturile
In mimica corpului tau
Si cum visele imi zboara
Purtate de gandurile tale...
Imi tremura viata
Din carnea ta
Si ma vad murind
In privirea mea
Din ochii tai...

Fumul tau de tigara

Am zambit,
privind cum trece
umbra ta pe langa mine...
si fumul de tigara
cum am inconjoara!
Am devenit o fantaoma
a unui vis uitat.
Iubire nu mai am
de dat!
Cum zboara
ca niste fluturi transparenti,
visele mele cu tine
departe de mine.
Si-n urma ta,
se mai simte
al tau parfum...
Si cum ma inconjoara,
un ultim si placut,
al tau fum de tigara.


Tacerea mea are gustul mortii,
rece,amar,de mercur incins...
Mi-e frica de faptul ca intr-o zi,
o sa iti spun ca te iubesc
si tu ai sa imi intorci spatele.
Atunci,singuratatea ar avea gustul mortii...
Rece,amar,de mercur incins.


Stau intinsa langa tine.
Ne privim in ochi
si e liniste,
e tacere si pace.
Mana mea sta odihnita peste a ta.
In momentul asta
cred ca am atins perfectiunea.

miercuri, 24 septembrie 2008

I want to get out of here :)

i have a dream... an windy dream of you and me... together. let me hold your hand... let me show you how to be free. how you can fly without wings, without thoughts, without pain... let me hold you... come ... is there any place you would rather be? if there is, let me take you there. i have an windy dream. a dream of you and me.

duminică, 30 martie 2008

Sakura Uta

Sakura no hana wa Itsu hiraku
Yama no osato ni Itsu hiraku
Sakura no hana wa Itsu niou
Warau nana no ko Asobu koro
Sakura no hana wa Itsu odoru
Utau nana no ko Nemuru koro
Sakura no hana wa Itsu kuchiru
Shinda nana no ko Noboru koro.

When will the sakura flowers bloom?
They bloom when they are in their mountain homes
When will the sakura flowers smell fragrant?
When the laughing seven-year-old child plays
When will the sakura flowers dance?
When the singing seven-year-old child sleeps
When will the sakura flowers wilt?
When the dead seven-year-old child ascends

Si ce daca?

Mda... Plang prea des, plang prea usor, plang din orice... Si ce daca? Sunt persoana care a plans la Ice Age 1, pentru ca mi se parea prea dramatica scena cand Sid povesteste cum familia lui l-a legat de copac in timp ce dormea, si a migrat fara el... Am plans si cand am iesit din sala de cinema, dupa ce am vazut Lord of the Rings: The return of the King, dar nu pentru ca m-a emotionat filmul ci pentru ca 3 ani am fost la cinema cu sora mea, si am asteptat fiecare parte a trilogiei, si in ziua respectiva mi-am dat seama ca nu mai aveam ce sa astept... Am plans la comedii stupide care ar fi trebuit sa ma amuze dar m-au facut sa-mi dea lacrimile... Chiar alaltaseara am plans cand s-a terminat un serial pe care il urmaream. Am plans la documentare despre animale, si de fiecare data blestemam pe cei care au chinuit vreodata vreo fiinta fara aparare si pe europenii increzuti care au reusit sa distruga zeci de traditii doar prin faptul ca au vrut sa introduca crestinismul in tarile respective... Plang des... Dar plang cu un scop... Altfel nu as avea cum sa ma descarc... Altfel as fi tot timpul deprimata si m-as invarti intr-un labirint intunecat... Plang si-mi curat sufletul si mintea... Plang pentru lucruri care merita, plang pentru lucruri care sunt nesimnificative dar pentru mine reprezinta ceva. Plang pentru mine... Si ce daca?

sâmbătă, 1 martie 2008


So, you’re leaving, aren’t you?
I knew it when you said just then when you told me you were leaving
That’s when I definitely knew
But if you’re trying to break my heart
Your plan is flawed from the start
You can’t break my heart, it’s liquid
It melted when I met you
And as you turn around to leaveDon’t’ turn back to me
Don’t turn around and see if I’m crying
I’m not crying
I’m not crying
It’s just been rainingon my face
And if you think you see some tear tracks down my cheeks
Pleasee, don’t tell my mates
I’m not crying
No, I’m not crying
And if I am crying
It’s not because of you
It’s because I’m thinking about a friend of mine who you don’t know who is dying
That’s right, dying
These aren’t tears of sadness because you’re leaving me
I’ve just been cutting onions
I’m making a lasagna
For one
Oh, I’m not crying
There’s just a little bit of dust in my eye
That’s from the path that you made when you said your goodbye
I’m not weeping because you won’t be here to hold my hand
For your information there’s an inflammation in my tear gland
I’m not upset because you left me this way
My eyes are just a little sweaty today
They’ve been looking around
They’re like searching for you
They’ve been looking for you
Even though I told them not to
These aren’t tears of sadness
They’re tears of joy
I’m just laughing
Ha ha ha-ha ha
I'm sitting at this table called love
Staring down at the irony of life
How come we’ve reached this fork in the road
And yet it cuts like a knife?
I’m not crying
I’m not crying
I’m not cry-y-y-y--y-y-y-y-ing

duminică, 27 ianuarie 2008


E ironic cand mergi cu autobuzul la 10 noaptea, spre casa si te gandesti ca te-ai maturizat, si auzi brusc Bug Mafia, Dupa blocuri, melodie data de sofer la maxim... Ironia consta in faptul ca eu la 22 de ani cred ca sunt matura dar descopar oameni de 40-50 de ani care nu au trecut de anumite faze adolescentine.
E ironic faptul ca desi tu strigi din rasputeri "Eu am fost aici!!!" crezand ca urma ecoului tau va ramane imprimat pentru totdeauna in asfalt, in pamant, in copaci, in cladiri, in aer, dar de fapt nimeni nu o sa mai auda maine... Dar tu te chinui pentru cateva clipe sa iti asiguri continuitatea ta in istorie, dorindu-ti ca macar o frunza sa pastreze amprenta vocii tale, chiar daca la toamna, se ofileste, cade si putrezeste in pamant.
E ironic faptul ca te hotarasti sa nu-ti mai pese de nimeni si sa inveti ca cel mai importatnt esti Tu, dar imediat dupa, cineva te face sa suferi si iti dai seama ca nu ai sa treci niciodata de faptul ca iti pasa de toata lumea desi nimanui nu-i pasa de tine. E ironic ca, pentru a reusi sa te gandesti numai la tine si sa faci numai ce e bine pentru tine, trebuie sa te izolezi, sa devii un solitar... Asta da Ironie!
E ironic ca lasi timpul sa treaca, gandindu-te ca ai sa faci maine ceea ce poti face azi, amanand pana va fi prea tarziu si abia atunci realizezi ca nu o sa mai ai ocazia sa indeplinesti ceea ce ti-ai propus pentru ca nu traisti vesnic, nu esti nemuritor si timpul nu te asteapta pe tine sa-ti revii.

vineri, 18 ianuarie 2008

Suflet pereche

Toata lumea ma intreaba, chiar si la varsta asta, cum e sa am o sora geamana... Niciodata nu am stiut ce sa raspund. Pentru ca nu stiu cum e sa nu am o sora geamana. Ne-am nascut in acelasi timp, am crescut impreuna, ne-am maturizat impreuna, si nu pot sa imi imaginez toate etapele prin care am trecut pana acum, fara sa o am pe ea alaturi. Imi este imposibil sa-mi inchipui cum ar fi fost viata mea, daca m-as fi nascut singura. Probabil de un infinit de ori mai urata si fara nici un sens. Ea e o ancora care ma tine la suprafata pamantului si a realitatii, e un stalp de care ma sprijin atunci cand imi pierd echilibrul, e felinarul care ma ajuta sa ies din oceanul de depresii, e sufletul meu pereche. O dragoste infinita ma leaga de ea, o nevoie absoluta. Imi place sa cred ca atunci cand am fost concepute, ne-a fost dat un singur suflet, dar noi l-am impartit si ne-am ales partile de care aveam nevoie. Pentru ca acum, la 22 ani, imi dau seama ca toata viata noastra a fost o continua completare. Unde greseam eu, ea facea bine, unde cadeam eu, ea se ridica, unde ma pierdeam eu, ea ma gasea si invers. Toate bucuriile, supararile, gandurile, visele le-am impartit cu ea. E singura care ma cunoaste, uneori mai bine decat mine. E singura care vede prin mine dar totusi nu se sperie si nu da inapoi. Cand nu e de-acord cu mine, imi spune si cand fac ceva bun, ma lauda. Sunt dependenta de prezenta ei. S-a intamplat de multe ori sa nu avem ce sa ne zicem dar totusi ne simtem bine, tacand impreuna. E sufletul meu pereche.

Si cand ma gandesc...

Si cand ma gandesc ca nu am realizat nimic din ce mi-am propus in copilarie, nu mi-am indeplinit nici macar o dorinta, nu am atins nici un tel, de abia atunci ma intreb daca e posibil sa o iau de la capat. Anii trec, ma maturizez, cresc practic precum Praslea cel Voinic, fara sa-mi dau seama, fara sa-mi inchipui ca sunt ca restul oamenilor, ca am acelasi ritm, ca avansez in acelasi timp... Si atunci cand realizez, regret. Regret timpul pierdut aiurea, regret ca am tacut atunci cand trebuia sa fi spus ceva, regret ca daca as putea sa o iau de la capat, as face exact la fel. Si ma simt pierduta...

"Greselile tineretii sa nu le judeci niciodata" dar eu am ajuns sa le judec pe ale mele, chiar daca unele m-au facut sa ma simt bine, tot ma judec pentru inconstienta de care am dat dovada. Ma supara si increderea absoluta pe care am avut-o in oameni si pe care am pierdut-o undeva pe drum, venind incoace, spre prezent, si indreptandu-ma spre viitor. Ma supara senzatia ca am gresit de multe ori, si am ales alte cai fata de cele ce-mi erau menite. Si ma sufoc...
Dar sufocarea mea e formata din lipsa increderii in sine, frustrare, nervi, ganduri intunecate, pesimism si o anumita doza de realism. Dar nu pot sa ma schimb. Incerc dar nu ajung la nici un rezultat. In lumea mea, totul stagneaza, ramane la fel. Te nasti intr-un anumit fel, mori la fel. In lumea mea, te nasti prost, mori prost. In lumea mea, viata e ca un ciclu, si greselile se repeta la infinit.
Si am cautat! Si am cautat! Si nu mai pot... eu mor... murind respir, respir murind... Si caut! Si caut! Nu mai rezist... eu tac... tacand vorbesc, vorbesc tacand... Ciudat si intortochiat e drumul meu... ma ratacesc si mor...respir si tac... vorbesc... Ma pierd! Si fug!!!